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Writer's pictureSaira Resolve Physio

Clinical Pilates

Updated: Jul 29, 2018

Pilates as a discipline is a proven method of strengthening core muscles dating back more than 100 years. This makes it an appropriate tool to use in a physiotherapy setting. What differentiates Clinical Pilates from the everyday variety is that firstly, it is undertaken by a certified and qualified physiotherapist, and that secondly, it is specifically tailored to the individual’s needs.


Clinical Pilates alone may not bring about the improvement you require, so it needs to be undertaken after clinical treatments with your physiotherapist have been implemented. Improving body tone, fitness and flexibility in this way will aid in your rehabilitation, but will also help to relieve any stress and tension that you may also be experiencing.

The Fundamentals

There are 8 fundamentals of Pilates which are:

  1. Concentration

  2. Centring

  3. Breathing

  4. Isolation

  5. Routine

  6. Precision

  7. Control

  8. Flowing movement

These fundamentals are all concerned with the approach you take with the exercises and movements and are part of each session.


So what do you do?

A Clinical Pilates session is held on a one to one basis at Resolve Physiotherapy. It consists of a series of body conditioning exercises tailored to the areas of the body that is in need of strengthening.

Our certified physiotherapist will select a range of exercises that will challenge your core muscles, targeting particularly the deep postural muscles of the spine and abdomen. These muscles can lose function after experiencing an injury, as such, it is important to reactivate them. This form of Pilates is useful in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries and suits many of our clients.

What is also worth noting is that having a targeted approach to the areas of your body that have been injured will strengthen those areas and help to prevent further injuries.

Pilates exercises are mat-based. They are not strenuous, and are generally quite relaxing. Many of our clients use them as a way back to their usual exercises and activities. Others enjoy them so much they choose to continue with Pilates after their rehabilitation is complete.

What do you have to bring to a Clinical Pilates session?

There isn't much that you need to bring along with you. We all the equipment, wear loose, comfortable fitting clothing and a bring bottle of water. No trainers or special footwear are necessary.

At Resolve Physiotherapy we are highly experienced in a range of treatment options and we are able to offer our clients a series of Clinical Pilates sessions if they are suitable. If you think you may be interested in this treatment then speak to your physiotherapist or ring our reception team for further information on 0121 293 0237.

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